How to Cleanse Kidneys Drinks

Cleanse Your Kidneys Step 1 

1. Choose the duration of your cleanse -- anywhere from 3 to 7 days. Kidney cleansing can be done safely anywhere from 3 days to 7 days about once or twice a year. If you've never done it before, it's advised to start at the three day mark. Before starting any procedure or home remedies, it is always important to consult the doctor. Your state of health may mean kidney cleanses are a bad idea.
Keep in mind that it's unwise to cleanse for any longer. Kidney cleanses depart from the idea of a balanced diet and are meant only to be temporary. The cleanse is only a cleanse and not a way of life.

2. Mix and match juices. Some people suggest sticking to only one juice during your cleanse, while others say drinking several different juices throughout the day is more healthy. By drinking different fruit and vegetable juices, you will come closer to getting your required amounts of nutrients and vitamins. share of nutrients and vitamins.
When on a juice cleanse, ensure that you do not eat solid food. Doing this helps your body’s mechanism to focus on flushing the toxins out rather than digesting what comes in.

3. Cleanse with watermelon juice. The diuretic properties of watermelon may aid in producing more urine.[1] This helps in the removal of more wastes from your body. Watermelon may help to wash away toxins in your kidneys as it is high in potassium.
Make juice out of two cups of watermelon and add a teaspoon of lime juice to it. You can drink the juice two or three times a day.

4. Drink lemon juice. Lemon juice may be very effective in cleansing your kidneys. The citric content in lemons may reduce the level of calcium in your urine, thereby reducing the risk of kidney stones.[2]
Juice a small lemon and add it to a cup of warm water. Drink it in the morning on an empty stomach.

5. Try drinking radish juice. Radish juice may prevent the formation of kidney stones and are thought to be able to remove existing kidney stones. The diuretic properties of radish may help kidneys to effectively process waste and improve urine flow.[3]
Take a cup of radish pieces and put them in a juicer. After extracting the juice, you may add some honey to taste. Drink this juice once a day.

How to cleanse kidneys

6.Try blackcurrant juice. Blackcurrant juice may aid in treating uric acid stones. The alkalizing effect of blackcurrant may aid in acidifying urine and treating urinary tract infections.[4]
Try drinking this juice once a day.

7. Up your intake of carrot juice. The carotene content in carrot may aid in preventing kidney stone formation.[5] While carrot juice aids in cleansing your kidneys, you need to remember that carrots absorb pesticides. Only use carrots that have been grown organically.
Take three carrots and wash them thoroughly in running water. Cut them and juice them well. Add water to liquefy the juice before you drink. Drink this mixture once a day.

8. Consume cucumber juice. The diuretic properties of cucumber may aid in flushing uric acid from your system, thereby dissolving kidney stones.[6]
While it is good to drink cucumber with its skin, you can remove the skin if the cucumber was not organically grown. Take three to four cups of cucumber pieces and juice them. Drink this juice once or twice a day.

9. Drink grape juice. Grapes are rich in potassium, which ensures that toxin free blood is passed through the kidneys.[7] However, those on a dialysis are not supposed to have foods rich in potassium, so avoid grape juice if this is the case.

10. Try drinking parsley juice. Apiol and myristicin present in parsley increase urine production and may aid in flushing out germs through the urine, thereby cleansing your kidneys.[8]
Take a handful of parsley leaves, clean them well and add to two glasses of water. Let the water boil for roughly 10 minutes. Filter the liquid and drink once a day.

11.Up your intake of wheatgrass juice. Wheatgrass is a rich source of alkaline minerals, which means that the juice may help to cleanse your kidneys. It is thought to flush out toxic metals including cadmium and mercury.[9]

Juice a handful of wheatgrass. Add water to dilute the juice if you like. To enhance the take, you could juice a few pieces of apple along with the wheatgrass.

Part 2 of 3: Following a Kidney-Friendly Diet

1. Load up on fruit. Some people even choose to eat only fruit. That's because fruits are highly recommended during the whole process of detoxification thanks to their abundance of nutrients. Not only are they great for your system, but they'll fight that sluggish feeling you'll undoubtedly be combating. Here's where to start:

Apples have a lot of fiber and vitamin C which are known to be antioxidants and help in the fight of toxins in the blood.

Lemons are also one of the popular fruits that are used because they have the ability to increase citrate levels which decreases kidney stone formation.

That being said, just about any watery fruit is fair game (coconut flesh and avocado should be avoided, in addition to rhubarb). And, as always, the fresher, the better.

2. Pile on the parsley. Herbs are also used to help in the cleansing of the kidneys and one very popular herb is parsley. Parsley is considered to be a diuretic -- an herb that makes you pee more. The more you pee, the more toxins or waste products are removed from the body. In other words, the more effective your cleanse.

Parsley can be eaten raw or made into a juice or tea. Infuse it into your water or tea for easy intake that you'll barely notice.

3.Eat more garlic. Garlic may stimulate urine production and may aid in flushing out toxins from the kidneys. It contains allicin, which oxidizes heavy metals and makes them more soluble in water, meaning that it can help to flush out toxins.

You could eat raw garlic, or you could add garlic to your food. You can also take garlic supplements.

4.Eat onion. The polyphenolic compounds in onion may help to dissolve kidney stones. Its polyphenol content is higher compared to various other vegetables.

You can eat them raw or add them to a salad. You can also take onion supplements.

5. Consider fasting. This is a way to cleanse your entire body, kidneys included. Fasting is not eating meat, fish, bread, dairy or any other food except water, fruit and vegetable juices. If the kidneys only need to filter liquids with not many toxins in them, it is like giving the kidneys a time-out from hard work. Only good stuff goes in, and all the pent up bad stuff comes out.

Do this very carefully, however. Your body does need nutrition in order to survive. Make sure you get plenty of antioxidants and vitamins and minerals from fruit and vegetable juices.

Again, do this only for a few days. Any longer and your body will be on its way to malnutrition and begin shutting down. Fasting is a very temporary agent to get your body back to zero -- it is not meant to stay there.

Part 3 of 3: Avoiding Kidney Irritants

1.Avoid caffeine. Foods and liquids with caffeine increase calcium oxalate or uric acid in the kidneys and could lead to a kidney stone attack in some cases. The caffeine puts your kidneys on overdrive and leads to more work, with less effective waste removal overall. This is why sticking to water is simply your best bet.

Don't forget that some teas and chocolate have caffeine, too, not just sodas! Rhubarb has it as well. Before you consume anything, make sure it's caffeine-free; it may contain the stuff and you don't even know it.[10]

2. Avoid alcohol. While an increase in liquid intake is advised, alcohol intake should be avoided. Alcohol is a toxin that poisons the blood. It messes with your system and, in abundance, can wreak havoc on your body (and mind). Stick to water and tea to give your kidneys the vacation they need.
A glass of red wine is good for your heart, not necessarily your kidneys. While the one glass with dinner may be good advice normally, consider it a habit you can pick up next week.

3. Avoid processed junk food. Eating too much fatty and salty food also will make the kidneys work harder. If there's a lot of waste in your blood, the kidneys have more work to do. The more you consume pure, healthy stuff, the easier a time you'll be giving your kidneys.

Your diet, if you're not fasting, should be comprised of fruits and vegetables only (for the 3-7 days you're cleansing). Raw, fresh, frozen, or juiced -- they're all fair game. However, if you need to, nuts, oat bran, or other natural products may be consumed if necessary.
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